Yes, IVF embryos are biologically and genetically normal. The IVF process only involves the fertilization of eggs and sperm outside the body in laboratory conditions, but the embryos that are formed are genetically no different from the embryos that are formed in a natural pregnancy. After conception, these embryos are transferred to the mother’s womb and go through their development stages like a normal pregnancy.
IVF embryos result are not different in terms of health and intelligence compared to embryos resulting from natural pregnancy, because the best and highest quality embryos are selected for transfer to the uterus. Fetal abnormality will not be more than a normal pregnancy, and fetal health tests and scan anomalies will be performed according to the normal routine.
Important points about the normality of IVF embryos
Fertilization process: The main difference between IVF and natural pregnancy is the fertilization site. In natural pregnancy, fertilization occurs inside the body (fallopian tubes), but in IVF, this process takes place in the laboratory. After this stage, the embryo is transferred to the uterus and begins its normal growth.
Embryo genetics: IVF embryos result have normal genetics and are similar to the offspring of natural pregnancies. Eggs and sperm are still taken from their parents, so the fetus is genetically related to its parents.
Embryo growth: After being transferred to the uterus, IVF embryos go through the stages of growth inside the uterus like any other embryo, and there is no difference in their growth, organ growth, or overall development.
Are the embryos from IVF healthy?
As mentioned in previous answers, most IVF embryos are generally healthy. There are small risks, such as a small increase in birth defects, but this increase is related to other factors, such as the age of the parents or reasons for infertility, and is not related to the IVF method itself.
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