Donated embryo costs are one of the important and significant aspects in the infertility treatment process. This method, which involves the use of donated embryos for pregnancy, allows couples or single individuals who are unable to produce their own embryos to have children. Here, details and factors affecting the costs of donated embryos have been examined.

Donated embryos refer to embryos that have been fertilized through in vitro fertilization (IVF) and are donated for use by couples or other individuals. These embryos are usually made from eggs and sperm from other donors and transferred to the uterus of a person who is trying to conceive.

Factors affecting of donated embryo costs

Tests and consultations: includes medical tests, psychological consultations and preliminary examinations to assess the health of the parties.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) process: costs related to egg and sperm fertilization, embryo preparation and transfer to the uterus.
Pre-pregnancy and pregnancy care: including the costs of medical care for the expectant mother and the baby.

Embryo donor fees:

Paying donors: Some embryo donation programs include paying donors for their time and efforts.
Costs of donor tests: including medical and genetic tests to ensure the health and quality of the embryos.

Legal fees:

Legal agreements: including costs related to the preparation and registration of legal agreements between donors and recipients of embryos.
Laws and Regulations: Costs related to compliance with local or national laws regarding donor embryos.

Service and support fees:

Fees for counseling and psychological services: to support the parties during the process.
Costs of the medical center: including costs related to medical services and management of the donated embryo process.

extra expenses:

Travel and accommodation expenses: If the treatment process is carried out in a place far from where the person lives, travel and accommodation expenses may also be included.
Medicine-related costs: for pre-embryo transfer treatments and post-embryo transfer care.

Uses of donated embryos:

1. Cases where the cause of infertility is azoospermia or lack of sperm in the semen and no sperm is found in the testicular tissue sampling.

2. Cases of male infertility in which the quality of the sperm in the spermogram is so poor that a quality embryo is not formed and pregnancy does not occur in multiple IVF cycles and the couple suffers frequent IVF failure, can use donated embryos.

3. Donated embryos can be used in cases of certain genetic diseases so that couples can have a healthy child