IVF/ICSI assisted reproduction method with a success rate of about 35%
It is performed when the sperm sample of the patient’s wife is disturbed in terms of number, movement and normal shape, or the ovaries have little reserve, or there is a disorder in the uterine tubes, or a disorder in the sperm tubes (vasectomy).

In this method, the ovaries are stimulated to ovulate with hormonal drugs, and the process of egg growth is followed through ultrasound. When the egg reaches the appropriate size, the eggs are removed through the operating room and sent to the embryology department.

In this method, the patient’s wife gives a sperm sample to the laboratory on the day of ovulation and artificial insemination is performed. The egg and sperm are placed in the culture medium and the embryo is formed or frozen or transferred to the uterus through fresh transfer.

ICSI Exactly like the IVF method

with the difference that in this method sperm is injected into the egg.

Pregnancy in these methods is no different from normal pregnancy, only the hormones that are initially secreted from the placenta in normal pregnancy are injected into the woman through medicine in these methods.

Delivery will preferably be by cesarean section, but there is no contraindication for natural childbirth.

Complications of IVF/ICSI:

There are two types of IVF/ICSI side effects, either the side effects related to the use of drugs or the ovulation itself.

Many side effects are temporary and resolve within a few days. A small percentage of women experience serious problems that require a doctor’s intervention.

Complications of ovulation or puncture procedure:

Ovulation is performed with a light and short-term anesthesia. Some women may experience spotting or brief abdominal pain after ovulation, which is normal and can be resolved with some rest and painkillers. In very rare cases, there is a possibility of damage to the intestine, bladder and pelvic vessels, bleeding and infection, which can be ignored according to the expertise of the doctor.

IVF/ICSI (In Vitro Fertilization) is one of the most advanced assisted reproductive techniques that helps couples facing infertility achieve parenthood. In this method, a woman’s egg and a man’s sperm are combined in a laboratory environment, and after the embryo is formed, it is transferred to the woman’s uterus. IVF/ICSI can be effective for issues such as blocked fallopian tubes, low sperm count or quality, and other factors contributing to infertility, offering many families renewed hope for having children.