Side effects of IVF infertility drugs:
The side effects of IVF infertility drugs can be related to the use of drugs or the ovulation itself. These side effects do not occur in all people and only a percentage of them suffer from side effects. Many of the side effects of infertility drugs are actually temporary effects of the drugs or the procedure itself, which resolve within a few days. In a very small percentage of women, serious problems may arise that require the intervention of an infertility specialist, and couples will be given the necessary information about their warning signs.
Side effects of infertility drugs:
Fertility drugs and infertility treatment can cause side effects such as:
which is temporary and is nothing to worry about.
The formation of a simple ovarian cyst after puncture can be normal and will be resolved within one or two weeks.
One of the most important side effects of infertility drugs and fertility aids is that these drugs rarely cause ovarian overstimulation in some people, especially those with polycystic ovaries. Symptoms of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) include abdominal bloating and swelling, nausea and vomiting, decreased urine output, shortness of breath, multiple ovarian cysts, and fluid accumulation in the pelvis. These symptoms are mild or severe and can be controlled and prevented in many cases.
Complications of puncture:
Ovulation is performed during a light and short-term anesthesia. Therefore, some women may experience spotting or a brief abdominal pain after the puncture, which is normal and can be resolved with a little rest and taking a pain reliever such as suppositories or acetaminophen tablets. But in very rare cases, there is a possibility of damage to the intestine, bladder and pelvic vessels, bleeding and infection.
Some women think that because a number of follicles grow in an IVF cycle, the total number of follicles will decrease and the ovarian reserve will decrease and eventually they will experience premature menopause. The number of follicles in a woman’s ovary is about 400,000 naturally, and the puncture operation does not significantly reduce their number, and there is no need to worry about this.
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