Difficulty in getting pregnant
For some people, pregnancy happens easily, but for some people, difficulty in getting pregnant.
There are several ways to get pregnant through sex.
There are different reasons why we face difficulty in getting pregnant ? For example, the problem in pregnancy can be from one or both couples. When the problem in pregnancy is with the person who wants to get pregnant (woman), it is called female infertility, which is called female factor infertility.
Reasons that may make it difficult to get pregnant include:
Ovulation problem:
Ovulation is the period of the monthly cycle when the ovary releases the egg into the fallopian tubes. Hormones control ovulation. Pregnancy occurs when a sperm fertilizes an egg as it travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. In general, your chances of getting pregnant are higher when you have 1-2 days before ovulation or a day close to ovulation. But in some people, there is no ovulation at all or they don’t have regular ovulation, which makes it difficult to get pregnant.
Problems of the uterus and fallopian tubes:
For example, if there is scar tissue in the fallopian tubes due to previous infections or surgery, and the uterine tubes are closed for this reason.
If the uterine tubes are closed, the sperm loses its ability to reach the egg, or if you have scar tissue or fibroid in the uterus, pregnancy is prevented. (Pregnancy is the bane)
If you’re in your mid-30s or older, it makes getting pregnant more difficult
Fortunately, there are several treatments that can help treat these problems.
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