اصطلاحات نازایی

Infertility terms

Infertility terms include: 

Amenorrhea: If it is primary, it means someone who has not had a period, and if it is secondary, it means that they have not had a period for several months.

  • Dysmorrha: pain during menstruation
  • Dysparony: pain during intercourse
  • Pco: Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Endometriosis: whenever endometrial tissue. If it is seen in a place other than the uterus, it is called endometriosis. If it is seen in the ovary, it is called endometrioma.
  • Adenomyosis: when the uterine tissue has penetrated into the muscle tissue
  • Endometrial hypertrophy: increase of uterine endometrial tissue
  • Endometrial thickness endometrial thickness is the size of the tissue inside the uterus
  • G1 grade one endometrium or three-line endometrium: when the uterine endometrial tissue is three layers
  • G2 grade of two endometrium or three lines of endometrium absence
  • Proliferative: The uterine phase coincides with the ovarian follicular phase
  • Secretory: The secretory phase of the endometrial tissue of the uterus, which is the same as the luteal phase of the ovary.
  • Bicornuate uterus
  • Septate uterus has a wall
  • Ovaraian cyst
  • Myoma is a fleshy mass in the uterus
  • Polyp is a piece of endometrial tissue that has grown more
  • Uterus
  • Surrogate womb
  • Egg donation
  • Embryo donation
  • Doner
  • Sis Sono in the water
  • TVS Vaginal ultrasound
  • 3d sonography
  • HSG color photo
  • Polypectomy Polyp removal
  • Myomectomy removal of myoma or fibroid
  • Hystroscopy to see the uterine cavity
  • Hystrectomy removal of the uterus
  • Laparascopy is a closed operation on the uterus and ovaries
  • Laparotomy is an open surgery
  • Pof failure and premature failure of the ovary
  • ABO blood incompatibilities
  • Azospermia is zero sperm count
  • Infertility
  • Male factor
  • Primry infertility: when they have unprotected intercourse for a year and do not get pregnant
  • Secondary Infertility: When they have at least one pregnancy, whether it leads to childbirth or abortion.
Infertility terms
Infertility terms
Infertility terms